Monday 2 March 2015


West Melton Numeracy and Basic Facts Workshop
The Number Framework:
¨  Strategy-creates new knowledge through use
¨  Knowledge- provides the foundation for the strategies
¨  Operational Domains-addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, proportions and ratios
The Numeracy Project:
¨  The Numeracy Project aims to raise the level of student achievement in Number and Algebra and in the other strands of the mathematics and statistics learning area.
¨  It is based on careful research about how children learn and is designed to teach children to think mathematically.
¨  There is an emphasis on children developing a sense of number that they can apply rather than learning by rules.
You can support your child’s learning in mathematics:
¨  Being positive and enthusiastic about maths yourself
¨  Discuss mathematical experiences with your family
¨  Recognising the stage of development your child is at
¨  Don’t feel you have to know everything. Get your child to show you how. They will love having you ask and will learn from explaining
Numeracy Stages:
¨  Emergent-learning to count
¨  Stage 1 One-to-one counting-counting objects up to ten
¨  Stage 2 Counting from One on Materials- add and subtract using their fingers or objects
¨  Stage 3 Counting from One by using Imaging-no materials in front of child-they need to picture what it will look like-see objects in their mind rather than using real objects
¨  Stage 4 Advanced Counting-counting on-using maths equations-when adding 4 + 3 they will count on from four
¨  Stage 5 Early Additive – part-whole - can separate numbers into units to solve addition and subtraction-part-whole-separate numbers into useful units to solve addition and subtraction i.e. 7 + 8 can be done as 7 + 7 + 1
¨  Stage 6 Advanced Additive – part-whole - separate numbers into useful units in a variety of ways to solve addition and subtraction, and are beginning to solve multiplication and division problems
¨  Stage 7 Advanced Multiplicative – can choose from a range of strategies to solve problems involving multiplication and division, including problems with fractions
¨  Stage 8 Advanced Proportional – can make use of a variety of complex strategies to solve problems involving fractions, proportions and ratios
Basic Facts:
¨  Children need to be able to make sense of addition and multiplication before they try to memorise their tables. When they do understand it is important that they learn these basic facts and recall them instantly. Each of the basic facts families are linked to the stages of the Numeracy Project.
Previous Approaches:
¨  In the past teaching of basic facts was focused on memorisation without a firm foundation of number sense
¨  Current international research supports the importance of developing a conceptual understanding  (comprehension of mathematical concepts, operations, and relations) to enable future success in mathematics
¨  Conceptual understanding also improves numerical reasoning, procedural fluency and accuracy
¨  Overreliance on memorised procedures prevents students from using mathematical reasoning
Importance of Basic Facts:
¨  Learning basic facts involves developing an understanding of the relationship between numbers e.g. 7 is 3 less than 10 and 2 more than 5, leading into these relationships developing strategies for solving equations in a meaningful and logical manner
¨  Alongside knowledge of the Numeracy project, basic facts enables children to develop the ability to extend their number strategies and understanding of number to multidigit problems 23 + 38 =
Developing Understanding:
¨  Begins at the counting on stage with children developing their sense of the representations of numbers
¨  Also central in developing their basic facts understanding is learning facts in a problem-solving context. By solving problems, children develop a richer understanding of the relationship between problems and number facts. When students are given a problem, encourage them to develop and share a strategy with their peers, encouraged to work flexibly with different strategies, they are further developing their understanding of number operations
¨  Students develop a strong understanding of operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and of number relationships by solving problems
¨  Most students can learn basic facts accurately, although their speed may vary
¨  Students should have many experiences modelling the facts using concentrate and pictorial representations i.e. counters and paddocks, egg cartons
¨  Students should be encouraged to look for patterns and relationships between the operations and the numbers in the facts
¨  Students need strategies that help them reason their way to the solutions for the facts, rather than strategies for memorising the facts
¨  Students need their foundational knowledge of how to count from 1 – 10, connection to objects being counted, each number represents a network of connections, that numbers can be acted on, magnitude of numbers increases as students count on and decreased as they count back
¨  Part-whole concepts-Numeracy Project
To practice your child can:
¨  Discuss the related family
¨  Flashcards
¨  Chanting
¨  Games
¨  Family of facts i.e. 7 + 3 = 10, 10 – 7 = 3
¨  Quick ten
The role of games:
Play is a significant medium through which students acquire informal mathematical knowledge by forming links between the known and the new or unfamiliar and making sense of their new information.
¨  Students practice sets of facts that can be solved by a similar strategy, giving them the opportunity to match strategies to facts to assist in the development of recall.
¨  At the point of recall, students can retrieve the answer to a fact equation quickly and efficiently.
¨  Playing games provides good opportunities for children to learn about logic and strategies. For example playing cards and board games are good ways to encourage and develop children's numeracy ability. Playing, listening, watching and talking about games and activities helps develop, reinforce, and consolidate children's mathematical understandings.
¨  As you read through an activity or game, think about how it could be made easier or harder to suit the needs of the children. A simple activity can be made harder by changing a few numbers.